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Medieval Carcassonne

So, we were up bright and early to get underway to Nice. We all packed onto the bus, and geared up for the 8 hour drive (which was actually 12) from Barcelona to Nice.

Lucky for us, the views along the way were gorgeous, and we got to drive around Europe in a Barbie pink bus...

Eventually, we pulled over for a pit stop in Carcassonne, France. This was a really cool, old medieval town that still had it's old castle. Now, I have a huge love of castles (I blame it on living in Ireland), and was so excited to explore, and stretch my legs.

Medieval Carcassonne was so pretty! It was very iconically French to me. It was so fun to explore the city, and to learn that this is where they filmed the movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves here!

Carcassonne had been redesigned to look like the old medieval town, so all the buildings, while being new, are designed to look like old buildings.

In the heart of the city is one of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen. It was so stunning inside with some of the best stained glass I've seen!

Once we got inside, there was a choir singing in French; it was the most surreal moment of the whole trip. It was a real spiritual moment, and while I'm not that religious, it was a moment that I'm going to treasure.

We left the church and took a different route back through the town to see more of it.

After we were done exploring, we piled back into the bus, and finished the drive to Nice. We checked in super late, so we all just settled in to go to bed. Unfortunately, with 4 of us in the room, only 3 of us could be on the WiFi at a time. It was like the Hunger Games in there.

Luckily, we all made it to see the morning, and got to ready to explore Monaco!

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