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Casa Mila and Palau de la Música Catalana

Once we were were done eating our tapas, we decided we wanted to check out one of the Gaudi houses in Barcelona. Since Gaudi is such a prominent architect in Barcelona, it was only natural to tour one of his houses. We decided on Casa Mila since it was known for the amazing chimneys on the roof.

We hopped a cab to Casa Mila, and rushed in, since we only had a limited amount of time to see it before we had to head to the Opera!

Casa Mila was built for a prominent family in the area, and was supposed to be turned into a series of apartments, but only the one was ever built.

It was amazing being so high above the city, at sunset, and seeing everything just glowing! It was such a surreal moment for me.

After we finished exploring the roof, we ran inside to check out the one apartment that was built. It was decorated with some original furniture, and was very fun to explore.

Once we were done in the apartment, we raced back to the hotel to change before heading to the Palau de la Música Catalana. Earlier in the day, we had seen that they were doing a showing of the traditional Strauss show, and decided to grab some tickets!

I had never been to a show like this; it was a combo of ballet, opera, and the traditional orchestra. It was amazing to see!

The theatre itself was stunning, with a kind of art deco feel, and the show itself was amazing!

The conductor was so fun to watch. His antics were like anything I had seen before. I suppose it fit the exuberance of Strauss's music; regardless, it was definitely entertaining!

After the show was over, we popped outside to get a pic of the front, and to grab some paella! I'm not a real big seafood person, but it was delicious and the perfect way to end our time in Barcelona.

We headed back to the hotel to get a jump on packing as we were headed to Nice in the morning!

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